Monday, July 29, 2013

Creative Chaos

What's been happening lately... 

1. Desk mess post supply restocking.
2. Creating, creating...
3. Did a bit of rearranging again.  My stuff and supplies are ever growing that my desk is already running out of space.
4. My main muse standing pretty beside the door.
5. Contemplating on a design concept.
6 & 7. Few of the first finished bracelets.

From these photos alone you can already  get a hint that the pieces I'm working on are a bit different from the first set of designs released in the site. I've made pieces before similar to them which I sold through The Vintage Chick. These sweet arm candies got an amazing response from my customers last year that I thought it was only fitting to include them in the first set of pieces for Summer Soul Gypsy since they look really bohemian. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to work on them so I promised to include them for the next set. 

These are just a few of the bracelets I've finished. I have yet to work on a couple of necklaces, earrings and rings. I'm also thinking of including a few sewn pieces, but not sure about that yet.  My artist's adrenaline must be really kicking in because I often find myself not wanting to leave the desk for fear I'd lose my creative momentum. 

Ending this post with this dreamy video from Benjamin Dowie. Amazing what talent can do with a GoPro huh? This one makes me wanna ditch work for a while, bury my feet on the sand, stare at the horizon and sip pina coladas. 

Lovely Monday everyone!

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